If you’re a motorcycle commuter or someone who uses their motorcycle as a primary form of transport, you’ll inevitably find yourself riding in the rain at some point. Even recreational riders may get caught in a downpour or simply want to go riding even if the sky is clouding up. Riding in the rain requires that you take some extra precautions to stay safe, whether you’re on the highway or city streets. You’ll also have to invest in the right gear to keep yourself warm and dry so you don’t lose focus.

Here in OKC, we’re no stranger to sudden torrential rains and thunderstorms. That’s why we at Maxey's Motorsports have picked up some tricks for riding in the rain. Follow these guidelines to stay safe and upright on slick roads with limited visibility!

Get Your Bike Ready

While you might get away with riding on a bike that has a minor mechanical problem on a clear day, this little issue could become huge when it’s stormy outside. Performing a pre-ride inspection before every ride, rain or shine, is a great idea because it lets you know whether your bike will need a tune-up or if you’re good to go. It’s better to have to delay a ride in order to repair your motorcycle instead of trying to ride it anyway, only to suffer a breakdown in the middle of nowhere, especially when it’s rainy out.

Make sure your tires are properly inflated to the manufacturer’s recommended pressure guidelines, which will be on the outer wall of the tire. While you’re down there, check the tread depth and see that there are no bald spots or embedded objects that could potentially cause a tire blowout, which is especially dangerous when your traction is reduced on wet roads.

Next, check the oil and other fluids on your bike. If the oil is sludgy, you’ll need a change. Top it off if it’s clear and flows easily. Fill up coolant and brake fluids. Take a ride around the block to check your signals, brakes, clutch and lights. If everything checks out, you’re good to go! If you do find some issues that you can’t address at home, bring your bike into Maxey’s Motorsports so our professional mechanics can have a look at it.

Gear Yourself Up

You’ll want to get the right gear for rain riding so you don’t find yourself soaked at your final destination. Also, riding while cold will reduce your focus and make you more liable to have an accident. Keep yourself safe by keeping yourself warm and dry!

A one-piece rain suit is a great idea, because it covers your street clothes and keeps them dry. You’ll be insulated by the seamless construction so you won’t get cold, either. Another option is to get waterproof pants and a waterproof rain jacket.

Good riding gloves with grip will be necessary for riding safely without having frozen fingers. Cold hands won’t be able to manipulate the throttle or controls as well, leaving you more vulnerable on the highway.

Your helmet should be a full-face style so that rain and debris don’t hit your eyes. Goggles can let in water, so they aren’t as good on the highway. Make sure your helmet has a waterproof coating to prevent the rain from building up. A fog-resistant coating is also good so that your breath doesn’t cloud your visibility, which is all the more essential when it’s rainy out!

Adjust How You Ride

You’ll need to make a few adjustments to how you ride your motorcycle when it’s rainy outside. First, slow down! Going at or over the speed limit is all the more dangerous when it’s wet, so try to stay well below it. This will give you better traction and also allow you to come to a stop more easily and evade obstacles in your path.

When changing lanes and turning, you’ll also want to slow things down. Traction will be reduced on slick roads, so you’re more likely to slide out if you try to whip through a turn. Don’t slam on your brakes because this could send you flying, too. Be more vigilant of the traffic around you as other vehicles are equally vulnerable to hydroplaning on wet roads.

If you’re looking to trade in your current bike or you still haven’t located the motorcycle of your dreams, visit our Oklahoma City dealership today. We carry a large inventory of new and used motorcycles by all the top brands, both new and used. Maxey’s Motorcycles welcomes our customers coming from Edmond, Shawnee and Tulsa, OK.